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Should You Plan Ahead for Home Care Services?

home care services, dementia care

There will come a time as you age when you will need assistance for things that you could do with ease when you were in your younger years. Household chores, personal hygiene, and just getting around the house or the neighborhood can become difficult in your senior years. This is more so the case for people who develop health conditions such as dementia, arthritis, Parkinson Disease, and other ailments. Home care services are a way of providing assistance while allowing people to maintain the dignity of aging in their own homes.

Should you plan ahead for home care services? When is it time to start preparing for the assistance you will need in your senior years? The answer really depends on each person’s unique circumstances. That said, there are some instances in which it is beneficial to plan well in advance. Otherwise, you may find yourself well into your senior years, having to make decisions without your full capabilities. This can be the difference between someone ending up in a nursing home or receiving the home care services they desire. The more you plan ahead and the more you prepare, the more likely you will receive the kind of care that’s best for you during your late senior years.

It’s always a good idea to have a sense of the kind of care you think you will prefer and to communicate these wishes to family members and friends, especially in writing. Below are a few situations that make it even more critical to plan in advance for home care services.

You wish to live out your senior years in your home.

There are many instances in which seniors get placed in nursing homes and assisted living facilities, even when they had verbally specified to family caregivers that they wished to remain in their homes. Doing your research, being very specific about the types of services you desire, and creating legally-binding documents, such as power of attorney contracts, can safeguard your plans for your late senior years. Planning ahead for home care services can also include setting aside savings, getting your home ready, and looking into whether you qualify for certain benefits. For example, veterans qualify for certain benefits in many states, including financial assistance with home care fees. This is the kind of information it is important to know and understand before you need assistance.

There is a history of specific illnesses, such as Parkinson Disease, in your family.

Rather than risk not being in control of who is providing your care and which services you will receive, if there is a history of specific diseases in your family, take the necessary steps to communicate and create the kind of care plan that is best for you. For example, caring for someone with Parkinson Disease requires a special skill set. The disease is very individualized and presents itself differently in each person, meaning that both caregivers and the person with Parkinson Disease will have to constantly adapt to changes and situations as they develop. As Parkinson Disease progresses, verbal communication can become very challenging, which is why it is so important to specify the kind of care you wish to receive well in advance. There are other hereditary diseases, such as certain types of dementia and cancer, that also present this type of situation.

You are displaying symptoms of early onset dementia.

With the right care, seniors with dementia can continue living well for years after their diagnosis. The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease, and while there is no cure for dementia, creative approaches can help to manage symptoms and slow progression of the disease. Home caregivers do a great job focusing on basic caregiving needs, like food, hygiene, and physical therapy, and also provide personally tailored care plans that can include a number of creative approaches to dementia care, based on each person’s unique preferences. If you already experiencing symptoms of early onset dementia, and know that the disease will most likely progress, you can plan ahead to choose a home care agency, such as Alegre Home Care that specializes in dementia care and memory care. This will allow you to receive home care services that are best suited for people who have dementia.

You are an LGBTQ senior.

The particular needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender seniors reflect the historical social context of their lives. As such, LGBTQ seniors often have unique needs and health disparities that require extra attention and care. Given these conditions, home care is the best option for LGBQT seniors when it comes time for caregiving services. Keep in mind that it is important to enlist the help of a home care agency that has experience serving LGBTQ seniors. An agency like Alegre Home Care that provides specialized training for caregivers, has non-discrimination policies, actively advocates for the rights of LGBTQ seniors, and supports LGBTQ communities will be in a position to properly handle the particular needs of seniors who identify as LGBTQ.

Do You Need Information About Home Care Services?

Alegre Home Care is a locally owned and operated agency serving the needs of seniors and people with disabilities in Northern California for over 20 years. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about our home care services. We also have resources on our website, provide training services, and sponsor local events throughout the year. If you have questions or want to inquire about becoming a home caregiver, please contact us at one of our Northern California locations.

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